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Ember Tests 

DevSkiller’s expert team prepares specialist Ember tests to aid recruiters looking to hire Ember developers of any level of expertise. Tests are structured to accurately screen each applicant’s abilities through a series of challenges and interview questions.

DevSkiller Ember tests are powered by the RealLifeTesting™ methodology. The methodology replicates real-world scenarios and presents realistic challenges for your applicants to solve in a controlled environment. Find the perfect candidate with our range of Ember tests.

Compétences testées
La durée
57 minutes max.
Aperçu du test

Questions à choix

l'évaluation des connaissances JavaScript, Développement web, Node.JS, Ember, Ember 2.x

Tâche de programmation - Niveau : Facile

JavaScript | Orders Analyzer | Trouver la quantité totale commandée d'un produit pour chaque jour de la semaine - Implémenter la méthode OrdersAnalyzer#averageDailySales qui retournera une carte avec le nom d'un jour de la semaine comme clé et la somme de la quantité commandée pour un identifiant de produit donné comme valeur.

Compétences testées
La durée
58 minutes max.
Aperçu du test

Questions à choix

l'évaluation des connaissances JavaScript, Développement web, Ember, Ember 2.x

Tâche de programmation - Niveau : Facile

JavaScript | Movies Analyzer | Find top favorite movies among friends - Implement a methof that will return an array of top three movie titles following the menioned requirements.

Compétences testées
La durée
66 minutes max.
Aperçu du test

Questions à choix

l'évaluation des connaissances Ember, Ember 2.x, Node.JS, JavaScript

Tâche de programmation - Niveau : Moyen

JavaScript | Orders Analyzer | Trouver une valeur moyenne de commande pour chaque jour de la semaine - Implémenter une méthode qui retournera une carte avec un nom de jour de la semaine comme clé et une valeur moyenne totale de commande.

Compétences testées
La durée
65 minutes max.
Aperçu du test

Tâche de programmation

résoudre un défi de programmation qui implique JavaScript - Movies Analyzer - Trouver les films les mieux notés parmi ses amis

Questions à choix

évaluer les connaissances en matière de propagation d'événements, de composants, de routes, de chaînes de requête, de promesses, de gestion des dépendances, d'opérations sur les tableaux, de propriétés calculées, de tableaux

Compétences testées
La durée
58 minutes max.
Aperçu du test

Questions à choix

l'évaluation des connaissances JavaScript, Développement web, Ember, Ember 2.x

Tâche de programmation - Niveau : Facile

JavaScript | Movies Analyzer | Find top watchlisted movies among friends - Implement MoviesAnalyzer#topWatchlistedMoviesAmongFriends method that will return an array of top four movie titles, that have been most watchlisted by friends of a given user.

Compétences testées
La durée
58 minutes max.
Aperçu du test

Questions à choix

Vérifier la connaissance de JavaScript: Héritage, Services, Itinéraires, Conventions d'appellation, Propriétés calculéeset Modification des valeurs des attributs

Tâche de programmation

Mettre en œuvre les fonctionnalités de base de la bibliothèque "dom".

Compétences testées
La durée
52 minutes max.
Aperçu du test

Questions à choix

Vérifier la connaissance de Java: Tableaux, Event propagation, Itinéraires, Promiseet Dependency management

Tâche de programmation

Implement two functions in src/app/app.js in order to pass all unit tests

Recommended roles for Ember tests

  • Développeur JavaScript junior
  • Développeur JavaScript intermédiaire
  • Développeur JavaScript senior
  • Développeur Frontend
  • Junior software engineer
  • Middle software engineer
  • Ingénieur logiciel senior

How DevSkiller Ember tests work

The driving force behind DevSkiller Ember tests is RealLifeTesting™. This methodology allows recruiters to analyze their applicants’ knowledge of Ember, in a predetermined test environment. It is a means of gaining a full understanding of an applicant’s skillset, including their coding ability, problem-solving and time-management skills.

Caractéristiques principales

  • Analyser la capacité de codage et pas seulement la capacité académique
  • Gagner du temps et de l'argent grâce aux tests à distance
  • La méthodologie RealLifeTesting™ offre une plus grande expérience utilisateur où les candidats peuvent utiliser leur propre IDE, cloner sur GIT, exécuter des tests unitaires et accéder à Stack Overflow/Github/Google pour la recherche.
  • Des outils anti-plagiat rigoureux pour garantir l'exactitude des tests
  • Observer les tests en temps réel
  • Des résultats automatisés que les recruteurs non techniques peuvent comprendre
  • Ember tests available for junior, middle and senior-level positions

Skills covered in our Ember tests

  • Ember
  • Ember 2.x
  • JavaScript
  • Node.JS
  • Développement web
  • DOM
  • ES6

What to look for in an Ember developer

Ember is an open source, JavaScript framework for building modern web applications, as well as mobile apps. It includes everything a developer needs to build rich user interfaces that work on any device. Ember allows developers to create scalable single-page web applications. It is used by many popular websites, including LinkedIn, Apple Music, Ted Talks and Netflix.

To even begin using Ember, a developer has to possess a working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript- the basic components of building web pages. Next, it should go without saying, but you’ll want someone who is comfortable working with Ember. Someone who is comfortable dealing with the framework’s various idiosyncrasies. Knowledge of the add-ons that compliment Ember will also be useful.

DevSkiller’s Ember tests can assist a great deal in working out which of your candidates possess the exact skills required to join your team. Our tests have been prepared by experts who know the inner workings of Ember and we know exactly the kinds of areas in which an Ember developer needs to be confident.

Vous aimez ce que vous voyez, mais vous en voulez plus ?

One of the many advantages of DevSkiller testing is that you can build your own custom Ember tests. With DevSkiller’s online task wizard, you can create fully customizable tests which allow you to change the language you test and define the scope. You can even monitor applicants in real-time during testing, if you would like to keep a closer eye on proceedings. Our customized tests offer recruiters greater control over their recruitment process.

Looking for proof that our Ember tests work?

It is understandable to want some evidence that our tests work before you jump in with both feet. Check out the following case study from one of our client:


StepStone is a group of leading job boards operating around the world. All their software is developed in-house by approximately 300 developers working on IT products for 130 countries across the globe. When it came to recruitment, StepStone had a major issue. The process was too slow.

Prior to implementing DevSkiller, StepStone’s technical screening involved a practical task sent by email, which meant recruiters would have to monitor their inboxes to assess the responses. This was then followed by pen and paper tasks during technical interviews. The procedure was time-consuming, but it also required a lot of effort from StepStone’s recruiters.

In October 2017 StepStone implemented DevSkiller testing into their recruitment process.

DevSkiller introduced a phone interview system which typically eliminates 10-20% of all the candidates. This is then followed by a technical screening test which eliminates a further 10-20% of candidates. The tests are automatically evaluated and assess candidates on

programming tasks, code review tasks, multichoice questions, code gaps, and database tasks.

Thanks to DevSkiller, StepStone now eliminates around 40% of candidates during the screening stage. Fewer interviews have to be conducted and there is much less work to be carried out by StepStone’s recruiters.

Victoria Cyczewska - Spécialiste de l'acquisition de talents à Stepstone Services

“Phone screening followed by a DevSkiller assessment allows us to decrease the number of onsite interviews by up to 40%. We increased company fit thanks to custom tests and, as a consequence, we now only spend onsite interview time on candidates who really show a lot of promise. Our Time to Hire is now shorter because our technical screening process is automated.“

Questions fréquemment posées

Dois-je être un programmeur pour utiliser DevSkiller ?

From start to finish, Devskiller is designed to be as simple and as automated as it can possibly be. Our ready-to-use tests are prepared by our IT experts in a way that allows non-technical users to verify the technical skills of the candidates screened. If you have someone more technically minded on-site, you can prepare your own tests from scratch. Otherwise, you don’t need to be an expert to be able to hire one.

Que faites-vous en cas de plagiat ?

At DevSkiller we take plagiarism seriously. We implement a number of anti-plagiarism tools to ensure you only receive verifiable results. We can use screen recording to check if the candidate is looking at a different screen when undertaking a test and we have a range of social listening tools at our disposal. We also cross check a candidate’s entered answers, against answers previously received in our system to see if there is a match and then categorically confirm that the candidate cheated.

What do candidates think of Ember tests?

Candidates love the structure of Devskiller Ember tests. It is refreshing for developers to have a chance to prove their actual software development skills, within a fair and just setting. So often developers are faced with having to remember algorithms and coding patterns that they haven’t touched in years. Our tests give them a platform to prove their mettle in a way that actually reflects the daily work they do. They get to use normal coding tools and conventions like unit testing, and cloning to GIT from a personal IDE.

Quelle est la durée du test ?

Test durations are not set in stone. They are flexible depending on your preferences. You can opt to use our default settings or set your own test duration. It is also possible to set time limits for individual questions within a test.